Family Support

Family Support Services

Provides support services and assistance to families so they can care for their family member and enhance the quality of life for that family in their home. The family member with a disability need not attend any other county board program but does need to be eligible and all services must be identified in an individual plan.

Who can receive Family Support Services?

If you have a family member with mental retardation or developmental disabilities living at home, he/she may be able to receive FSS. The family member with disabilities must be eligible for county board services, even if they are not receiving any county services. Call ACBDD about eligibility.

What services are provided?

  • Respite Care by certified or family selected providers
  • Adaptive Equipment
  • Home Modifications to assist the disabled individual
  • Special Diets
  • Counseling, training & education for the family
  • Other Services individualized to the families unique needs; some families have used this service for special therapies, camps or diapers for older children

Who provides the service?

The FSS program is administered by the ACBDD. The funds are provided by the state of Ohio and distributed by the Ohio Department of DD.

How do you get services?

  1. Call ACBDD and ask for Family Supports to set up a meeting.
  2. Determine if your family is eligible; is there an individual in the home with dd and do you live in Ashland County?
  3. Complete a Family Support application, part 1(once) and part 2 (annually).
  4. You will be notified (often on the spot) if you are eligible. Then you can request services.
  5. Request preapproval for services using either the Respite Voucher or FSS Voucher.
  6. When you have received pre-approval authorization purchase the approved services or items. Then return invoice or receipt with authorization to FSS for payment.
  7. FSS will then pay the provider/vender or reimburse you within 45 days.

How much will Family Supports cost my family?

Families are on a sliding scale based on taxable income. 90% of our families have no co-payment.

What determines whether requests are funded?

The Ashland County Board of DD will fund family requests if:

  • The family is eligible for services
  • If the items or services cannot be funded by other sources
  • If funds are available
  • If items or services are available
  • If the request is consistent with the county board’s plan and Family Support philosophy
  • The request is made with applicable forms

What if I disagree with a decision regarding services?

You may appeal decision regarding eligibility or services to the Family Support Coordinator, then to the Family Support Committee and then to the Superintendent. If you do not receive satisfaction at the Superintendent level appeal can be made to the DODD.

What is the Family Support Services Committee?

FSSC is a group of members, and the Family Support Coordinator who review policies, procedures and discuss concerns regarding the FSS program and make recommendations through the FSS Coordinator to the ACBDD.

For referrals contact:
Birth - 3 years old
Early Intervention Coordinator/ Director of Education, Shannon Lange - email
Phone: 419-289-0470

Pre-school or school age
Secretary for the Education Department, Susie Burgess - email
Phone: 419-289-0470

Program Secretary, Lisa Greenwald - email
Phone: 419-289-0470

To apply for Family Support Services please fill out parts 1 and 2 of the application form. To renew Family Support Services Annually, only complete part 2.

FSS Application Part 1
FSS Application Part 2

If you are interested in being a respite provider or have other questions regarding Family Resources contact Jim Huntington at 419-289-0470.

Click the links below to download various forms and applications related to Family Support Services. Application forms can be printed out and mailed or dropped off at our Center Street facility.

Family Support Services

Care Providers